Top 10 TV Advertising Jingles of the 1990s

 The 1990s were a decade that brought us grunge, bling, beanie babies and cross colors. On the tube, shows like Fresh Prince, Seinfeld and The X Files captivated us while commercials and jingles got hella catchy. Below are some of our favorite tv ad jingles of the 1990s. Be sure to also check out our favorite jingles of the 80s, 70s, 60s and 50s


Chili’s (1990)


“I want my baby back ribs” This restaurant chain helped to pioneer the casual dining revolution, but they struck gold with this special tune. In fact, it was so catchy, that it topped Ad Age Magazine’s “10 Songs Most Likely to Get Stuck in Your Head”!

Chicken Tonight (1990)


"I feel like chicken tonight!" Although you may think that the chicken dance that goes along with this commercial is pretty ridiculous, you’ll inevitably find yourself resisting the urge to flap your arms as this tune replays in your head.

Mentos (1993)


"Mentos, the Freshmaker" While there were plenty of versions of the Mentos commercial run throughout the 90’s, I remember this one the best. Even as a kid, I remember pondering this man’s ability to get such neat paint lines from this bench. Apparently, Mentos has created a new jingle for their most recent commercials, but there is no beating the original!

Mouse Trap (1990)


“I guarantee, It’s the craziest trap you’ll ever see!” I remember that we had this game in my classroom during the fourth grade, but I’m pretty sure half of the pieces were missing. This is a classic commercial, and you gotta love that wily animated cat!

Huggies Pull-Ups (1992)


“Mommy, wow! I’m a big kid now…” The slogan “I’m a big kid now” has to be one of the most successful from the 90s. In fact, Huggies credited this advertising campaign as the reason they were able to beat their bitter rival, Procter & Gamble, in the “cutthroat” world of disposable diapers!

Doublemint Gum (1991)


“Double your pleasure, double your fun!” Doublemint Gum made our top ten list of 50s jingles as well. In the 90s they introduced a new jingle that featured even more twins having a blast together! This commercial was especially geared to a more athletic and fun loving crowd.

Folgers (1995)


“The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup!” I’m not a morning person, but dammit if this jingle did not make waking up in the morning sound like one of the best things in the world. This is a commercial they did with Rockapella singing their classic jingle....We think you’ll enjoy it.

Wonder Ball (1997)


“I wonder, wonder what’s in my wonder ball!” When it came to the Nestle’s Wonder Ball, it’s really the commercial that has stood the test of time. The candy itself was not that “wonderful”, although sometimes you might luck out and find a little toy inside the ball of chocolate instead.

Baby Bottle Pop (1998)

So, I'm a member of the Lost Media Wiki community, and they have unearthed many rare things from the Internet Archive's "Understanding 9/11" page, from high ...


“They look like babies!” This lolly makes the list for being entirely bonkers. Luckily this sucker had a catchy jingle to help make it a popular candy fad of the late 90s.

Mr. Clean (1996)

Spot for the cleaner brand's "Ultra" variety, including a snippet of its very first TV commercial!


“Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean” It’s got to be nearly impossible to find someone in the United States that isn’t familiar with this bald neat freak! I haven’t seen a Mr. Clean in a while it seems, but I remember they were on constantly throughout the 90s. 

Stay tuned for our next post as we look at the best jingles from the 2000s.


Top 10 TV Advertising Jingles of the 2000s


Top 10 TV Advertising Jingles of the 1980s